of Maxwell Clark
(c) Maxwell Clark, 2015
Please email your responses to any or every of these below questions to:
0.0---Who is nihilism today? and how so?
0.1---Was Karl Marx wrong about anything? if so, how so?
0.2---Who is the most rigorously creative/renovative individual you are currently aware of? how so?
0.3---Is art dependent on philosophy? if so, how so? if not, how not?
0.4---How does thought relate to creation (aesthetic or utilitarian, et. al)?
0.5---Assuming that certain of your present cultural formations have already begun to transcend their archaic, ancient, early, baroque, classical, romantic, [...] modernist, and/or postmodernist modes---how would you generically rename these newest cultural formations? how also then would you further define this newest mode of civilization/society?
0.6---How do you (preferrably just as yourself) best misread the traces of revolutionary social violence in the historical archives accessible to you?
0.7---How do you (as uniquely yourself) best misread the historical traces reformations have archived in the everyday life of those civilizations empirically available to you?
0.8---How do means and ends relate in your own behavioral influence on/into/of social movements? if at all?
0.9---How are you: (a) inspired by your external social world? (b) inspiring to your external social world?
1.0---Are you a scientist? if yes or if no: how do you relate to science?
1.1---How do you best misinterpret the presence of technology in your social world? or, how does “the mode of existence of technical objects”, in your own best misinterpretation of this semi-difficult phrase, most generically affect you and/or others?
1.2---Who is in power over you (and yours)? both of late and/or since forever?
1.3a---Do you desire more power? over yourself? over others? is there a difference between power over yourself and power over others?
1.3b---Do you desire less power? over yourself? over others?
1.3c---Do you possess any power (at all)? is it over yourself? is it over others? if so, how much? or, how do you define and measure power (your own in especial)?
1.3dx---How will the most present relations of power in your social world change in the future?
1.3dy---Does power even exist? as itself? and/or do powers exist? in actuality? or in some otherwise way?
1.3dz---If both power itself and powers themselves exist, how so? or, how are these singular and plural cognates of each other said to co-exist (much less relate) as actualities? in their grammar? in the actualization of their grammar? or in a metaphysical type of translation which re-interprets their grammatical categories as thematic adumbrations of elemental essences?
1.4---Is unhappy consciousness, and each of its aesthetics/rhetorics/ideologemes/... so redolent of a wretchedly sorrowful solemnity, if not as such also as a most gravely and violently morbid (homo-/sui-cidal) “meta-pathology” of nihilism/resentment, not the seemingly eternal hegemonic affective register or behavioral tonality of yourself alone and/or your otherwise neighborhoods? if yes, will you then detail just how so, either for your uniquely individual instance, or for your social ambient, or both? if no, will you then detail your beliefs concerning the presence or absence of unhappy consciousness in your world---also as much of the otherwise external conditions of your life history and inheritance as can be said to be generative of these beliefs?
1.5---Do you believe that questions, and especially in the otherwise phraseologies attending their basic interrogative forms, more or less pre-decide the possible forms their responses will come to take? if so, how do you believe any or all of these questions are constraining the dimensions of your replies to them? or, do the generic forms of any question (qua question) preemptively render a totally finite closure (or essential horizon) of response unto the otherwise infinity of linguistic permutations its response might else express?
1.6---Do you believe that your ownmost ethnicity (i.e., your most major language-group, or the most thematic intersubjective co-horizon transcendentally delineating your corporeal selfhood’s phenomenal world-immanence, or...) is also an essentially finite and exclusive identity? if so, do you simply possess but one ethnicity alone? if so, does the very language that is the grounding condition of your special ethnicity exist as one absolutely autonomous and apart from any other? and is your social world and identity thus infinitely unrelated to those of any other type? if so, how do any ethinicities otherwise than your own even begin to exist? how does your own special ethnicity even define its own likewise special horizon of exclusive difference, if it already must invoke the name of infinity and its absolute as the adverbial qualifiers of this difference? does not the name of infinity, when employed to guide the subtlest tracing of any particular ethnic inheritance (or even the more minute patterns of its influence) back into their absolute past, also necessarily realize that this unique ethnicity was and is and will forever after be a generation of the pre-original One of the cosmos, and thus unequivocally equal to each and every ethnicity that otherwise comes to neighbor it?
1.7---Do you ever express yourself in any of the patois or pidgins or otherwise ethnically mixed and/or subaltern formations of any of the majoritarian and/or imperialist languages they derive/deviate from? if so, which? and with who? also, how difficult was/is it to learn? further, do you have any remarks on the relations between the world(s) of your minoritarian dialect(s) with those of its/their majoritarian empire(s) of the word? also, how does your (more or less) fluency in whatever sub-dialects---i.e., how does your captivity in any “hostage” patois of any “host” empire of the word---alter your own trends and conditions of expression?
1.8---Do you believe in (any) god? or any otherwise god-like translation of this ethnically very narrow name (“god”) for the divine? if no, do you believe in any secular, materialist, or otherwise atheistic substitute for god? such as humanity? or physical matter? or the totality of the capitalist mode of production? nature? oneself? infinity? money?
1.9---How do you best misinterpret the value of “inconsistency” in your sociolinguistic world? do you believe this said phenomenal horizon of yours may still abide as such, if it is at all rendered inconsistent? does this, or any other, appearance and/or presentation of inconsistent sense-data into your intersubjectively generated neuro-corporeal datum (or ipseity) frighten or disquiet or violate you? does it interrupt or endanger the absolute totality of your immanence within yourself, insofar as the absolutely finite and/or closed consistency of any totality (subjective or otherwise) is only ever interrupted/broken/rendered-inconsistent as the likewise absolute death of its own status/identity/structure as a totality? [....]
2.0---Who are you---to me, Maxwell Clark? how would you describe yourself when in my most intimate proximity? how describe yourself when most remotely proximate to me? how do i influence you? how do you influence me? do you believe I really always try my hardest and do my best? do you have any other responses for me that you feel? would you express them hereafter then, please? thank you?
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