Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Abstentious-Most Ghouls of Mass-Psychedelias

((( )))

Venation (i.e., nervation, or nervature) evolves into itself, as it were (please excuse throughout the pittance of my phraseology's poetically berserk intuitiveness and the wild flourishes of queerly ambiguous conjectures that are attendant upon its being so --- as such is sharply contrariwise and perhaps even flagrantly antithetical to the exacting metrical precision of today's officially institutionalized medical science of venation), as the "opening-out" or externalization of corporeality, the dawning of a face -- or datum -- across an -- alone hereafter -- ambient cosmos, the fuzzy complex of a sensory focalization around about the reception of its beyond---as 

Sunday, October 18, 2015


of Maxwell Clark

The blacks of Northern
America/ have contributed
The most value to its/ economic
____________Black labors, i.e.
____________Black cultures/metabolisms
/Have ever been the most fecund/ here
Since the putrescent stench of chattel-ships/
First assaulted the/assumedly/a bit
Romanesque nostrils
____________Of/ my matrilineal patriarch
____________John Woolman.
And of latter days/many moons/since,
The supremacy
Of black eth(n)ologies/ecotechnics (((corporeal genericisms)))
Is their re-poeticization of popular-/
folk noise-making.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

waY uP!!!!!!!!!!

of Maxwell Clark

"Waaaaay up!
Way up then!
Waaaaay up!
Stay up then!"


Inner light, extinguish thineself.
Outer chorus, uplift me.

Lift me up, oh,

Out so way-up-up-up high that, oh, oh, I transcend,
I transcendeth beyond any but the least few---the most alive.

Oh, then, likely nowise including you:

You, yes,

That monstrously greater part
Of my reception,

Whose inane butchery of my art
Be, to me, but the most ruthless deception.

My worst banes: your hyper-cancerous profusions, oh!

Oh how viciously stigmatic be now your normalcy!
Oh how eerily brutalizing also your eternal mediocrity!

And, oh! oh! how undead be thou swarm's serial massives!

You; oh, you are the greater logic
And the most common reason
And the purely-most spread of lights
Ever goading me again to self-murder,
To doom, to wanton terrors and ugliest horrors,

Undead thus also as to delights.