Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pthalo Greens

Daylight hours are stupid as in dumb.
This is a patterning of influence.
His cheer at this cannot be,
Much less is it admitted.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Poesy [patoisRMX]:

by Maxwell Clark

Dedicated to the Beloved Memory of Hair-Metal, Now She
Rests Beyond the Cloudy 'Orison of Techno
Remote-Control---de Deux au revoir buon, et mon
Autrement Parole excuse, je suis moi---precisement
Pour moi alterite contre l'Autrement absolute,
l'Autrement auturi (??) l'Autre-Autre chez soi, uniquement
Autre chez "autres-autre-de-moi", en
Similarite de somos autrement>>>una autre envisagement de la Otra,
La Mas Hermosa Bruja---quien es
Otradad:---otra suyos salvase
Desde suyos equalidad "absolute" entre las desarolladas
Asi suave y spumoso (ja?), y spumosao
Y asi porque el Globosi es invincible otra
De moi, asi como cualquier sub-objeto que
Estaron demanifestando
Cada espectrale demonaosso'Ki, quo
Ka---es grammandose la reticula exponentiale sin limita
Quo es INFINIDAD's pulsando entre su onto-propridad---
O, amor's proprio                 nosotros-doble,
Nosostros---nos familidad, nos esse-copulas, nos co-absencias,
Nosotros 'si nosotros proprio nosotros por cada nos, nos
Cada propriamos de nos nosotridad entre de nosos
Propriadad-propriandolo que es lo que es---nada mas,
De nada, por toda---entre mio y tuyo somos
Entredad entramos entre cada nos encontrias// entre// o asi///////////////_____.......
Las Locuras del Poderas Superlativanse Alta-Normalidad
---O yo, o como mi "yo", mi "como-yo", mi "asi-asi yo" pero no yo
Perfecte yo---entre temporalidades que son structuralandoso
Suyos apropos proprio, asi que vos que lo su es, que su es,
---Su es lo, lo lo que es lo que es, que lo quien/quo lo
Depart Afar, so together cometh: if the It
---Which is It itself in and of and for and so also from
Itself and Itself alone itself as itself is itself itself
---Afar depart these mucky watersz of street-ballin'
Voicing (-as-Harmonic-Drone-Microtonal-Noising

Pitch-In to Help and Support Goodfulness

by Maxwell Clark

Be yourself to the Other sincerely
Obligated, as newborn exposed to your face's Opens---hereafter Opens without endszxhk
---Its unique individuations, each their
Ownmost/proprietary "operant conditioning chamber" (B.F. Skinner)
As set-in, nooked into the great hierarchical Cruelty of "what is" (W.vO. Quine), aka Da
Batty---'Murican globos---pyrrhonic---
Batty---'Murican HONEYBADGERZxx of Anal Lovence Normalcy
And tarantulas, albino larvae-stickl'd upon their bulb's tabletop fuzziness,
Fuzziness of umbers so thickly neon earth'd colorful: sedimentary (((Ex C rE M E nT)))
But more in its own ingliding dirt-enfoldments of/over geological aeons---zoom'd (((z OO m yy)))
Along the freshest-scented trailings of "a priori" decision-events/beforehand-guesstimated scalars of
Maximal compactions
---Intensely intensing the tensor (((modality of modalities))) of civilization's socio-ultramateriality: CREATION,
As mOraL tensorrrrrr of beaver ecodeviance, that is, as if, of each presently extant beaver's co-restructuralization
Of bBeaver-MetaphysicsxXx: the science of regional beaver individuation as
Subjunctive-cased beaver-registers of the Holy Voice---
Whose audibility/Real/rawness preceded even its most primally embrochured ur-breath
In a waviness of pulsing enthreadments each randomnicity phased,
Emptying out a warp'd, eggshell fluidity
---Womb of externality's knit, the surrounding tensor of affectiveness
Around a center: nor faceless, neither lineally adumbrated, just DANCI'ng/
Wobble-facing/simmer'iiiii-quakingszzXx/glottal-acieeeeeedic/[...] ....unhappiness-tensoring
an Unhappy Consciousness: non-dialectical except as antinomian chiasmus:
Or, aS ever, OtherwisEee.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


by Maxwell Clark


Gully, 1am, piano raves flurry
The intrication of what is, roll 20x,
Jesus'd zoom-ups, hi-crashes---
C'mon and hurt somebody---on and on,
Then cut wavedeeps out, asphyxiate of
Blessed inhalants, or that, or
C'mon and hurt-dance to
Energon, it's colonialism
So polite, so beastie, as such,
Likes ur "babycakes", she is
Virtual, like destiny,
And the colors of the glues, o
The glues are a crackling greasy,
Snowfall over really old rocks.